Browse Items (56 total)

Music video and lyrics of Javhlan song Ээжийн чанасан цай.

Match possessives with words to create "of" like expressions. For example, Монгол хэлний ном (Book of Mongolian Language).

Listen to the audio file and fill in the blanks.

Create questions for go with the answers.

Answer each question which contains possessive forms. Basic questions.

Fill in the blank exercise using questions and possessives.

Listening exercise to match pronouns used in sentences.

Word search with personal pronouns би, та, чи, тэр, бид, бид нар, та нар, тэд, and тэд нар.

Match personal pronouns to their English equivalents.

Video to introduce personal pronouns би, та, чи, тэр, бид нар, та нар, and тэд нар.