About the Mongolist
The Mongolist is intended to provide insightful information about Mongolia using an evidence based investigative approach. It is often difficult to find information about Mongolia, and even when available much of it is based on opinion and conjecture. The Mongolist aims to make it clear when information is opinion and when information is fact and to provide a trusted source of knowledge for understanding Mongolian politics, business, and society.
Editorial Standard
Content on The Mongolist and its affiliated websites is provided without a political agenda or aim. All content is presented in the pursuit of education and increased knowledge about Mongolia and is created as objectively and dispassionately as possible. Editorials and subjective opinions are labelled as such whenever and wherever possible. Questions or comments about particular content pieces should be directed to editor@themongolist.com .
Brian White, Editor and Contributor
Brian White first came to Mongolia in 2002 as a Peace Corps Volunteer, and he has continued his association with this wonderful country in some form or another since then. He established The Mongolist in 2012 as a way to pursue his endless curiosity about Mongolian politics, business, and society. Brian can be reached at editor@themongolist.com .
Sarah Munson, Contributor
Sarah (Sadie) Munson currently lives and works in Umnugobi Province as an English teacher. She holds a bachelors degree from the University of Montana and a Masters of Human Ecology from the University of Wisconsin. Her professional interests and experiences include primary and secondary education, child development and family education, and community development. She can be reached at sarahmunson@gmail.com .