Browse Items (50 total)

Listening exercise to match pronouns used in sentences.

Word search with personal pronouns би, та, чи, тэр, бид, бид нар, та нар, тэд, and тэд нар.

Match personal pronouns to their English equivalents.

Video to introduce personal pronouns би, та, чи, тэр, бид нар, та нар, and тэд нар.

Exercise to practice making simple open ended questions using хэн and юу.

Exercise to choose correct particle for questions depending on the last letter of the last word in the sentence.

Match the question words хэн and юу with the appropriate nouns.

Video introducing open ended questions and the question particles бэ and вэ.

Video introducing common greeting and its variants: Сонин сайхан юу байна?

Video introducing three common expressions when greeting someone. These are:

Сайн байна уу?
Таны бие сайн уу?
Таны ажил сайн уу?